RJ +55 (21) 2122-8400 / (21) 2263-3404 SP +55 (11) 3067-3414 DF +55 (61) 2196-7712




Legal advice in a full-range of business transactions such as start-ups, joint-ventures and consortiums, purchase and sale of equities, assets, commercial and industrial establishments. Corporate restructuring from research to planning, through implementation, including incorporations, split-offs, mergers and acquisitions, corporate transformations, liquidations and other business transactions. Planning and execution of complex operations, including assistance to companies going public or going private, acquisition of control through takeover or management buyout and public offers (IPO). Representation and defense of client’s rights by participating in shareholders and management meetings. Legal assistance in basic activities such as corporate formation, modification and reorganization. Guidance during shareholder’s meetings, council meetings and organization of books and other corporate documents (contracts, statutes, by-laws, articles of association, shareholder agreements, among other documents).

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The firm seeks to train promising young people, with a good academic background and graduates from the best universities in Brazil, to join its permanent staff of lawyers. opportunities