RJ +55 (21) 2122-8400 / (21) 2263-3404 SP +55 (11) 3067-3414 DF +55 (61) 2196-7712


Labor and Employment

Labor and Employment

Legal assistance for corporations in general labor and employment matters. Preparation of legal opinions. Preparation and review of individual and collective employment agreements for domestic and foreign residents. Audits focusing on general labor practices. Representation in labor-related claims at trial and appellate level. Review of private pension plan funds. Legal advice on labor and employment issues arising out of corporate mergers and acquisitions, split-offs, incorporations and other forms of corporate concentration. Assistance in matters related to labor succession and corporate recovery. Collective bargaining and other agreements with Unions.

Join our team

The firm seeks to train promising young people, with a good academic background and graduates from the best universities in Brazil, to join its permanent staff of lawyers. opportunities