RJ +55 (21) 2122-8400 / (21) 2263-3404 SP +55 (11) 3067-3414 DF +55 (61) 2196-7712




Comprehensive technical and legal consultancy for energy, oil and gas, telecommunications, basic sanitation, road transportation, navigation and civil aviation projects. Assistance in preparing and negotiating contracts pertaining to the industry sectors above. Support for clients participating in public bids and auctions working in conjunction with the litigation group. Legal counseling on concessions, permits and authorizations, and expert advice in public law matters. Legal support in mergers and acquisitions, privatization and corporate reorganization for the sectors listed above, including due diligence.

Join our team

The firm seeks to train promising young people, with a good academic background and graduates from the best universities in Brazil, to join its permanent staff of lawyers. opportunities