RJ +55 (21) 2122-8400 / (21) 2263-3404 SP +55 (11) 3067-3414 DF +55 (61) 2196-7712




Representation in fiscal procedures before the public administration, including the preparation of defense and appeals against notices of infraction issued by government entities. Legal support and representation before Taxpayer's Council at all levels. Representation in judicial tax proceedings such as actions for recovery of overpaid taxes, invalidation of tax claims and actions to dispute inaccurate tax assessments. Filing of writs of injunctions, declaratory actions and preventive actions. Tax Consulting and Planning. Research and strategic planning in corporate formation, structuring business ventures and production plans to minimize overall tax burden. International tax planning involving dual-taxation treaties and comparative advantages. Tax advice on company formation, acquisition, incorporation, split-off and liquidation, as well as domestic and foreign investments.

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The firm seeks to train promising young people, with a good academic background and graduates from the best universities in Brazil, to join its permanent staff of lawyers. opportunities