RJ +55 (21) 2122-8400 / (21) 2263-3404 SP +55 (11) 3067-3414 DF +55 (61) 2196-7712


Private International Law

Private International Law


• Ratification of foreign decisions – divorce, adoption, custody, guardianship, among others, and granting of "exequatur" in letters rogatory;
• Apostille of foreign documents;
• Purchase and sale of real estate in Brazil by residents abroad: legal advice, promotion of registrations, and taking any necessary measures for the completion of the transaction;
• Probate proceedings for foreigners with assets in Brazil;
• Legal advice on civil law matters involving foreigners: custody, visitation, and child support; carrying out necessary procedures for international adoption; foreigner’s eligibility for marriage in Brazil;
• Legal advice on tax residency situations: assistance with exit communication and final departure declaration from Brazil, as well as regularization of Brazilians who resume resident status;
• Guidance on Brazilian taxation of investments abroad;
• Consumer relations: legal advice to individuals in filing claims against foreign legal entities;

• Services related to migration and naturalization status of foreigners: Brazilian naturalization, migratory regularization, application for temporary and permanent residence in Brazil, and obtaining appropriate visas for the foreigner's situation in the country;

• Authorization for international travel of minors;

• Citizenship: Assistance in obtaining German nationality.


• Assistance with the incorporation of foreign companies in Brazil; drafting and registration of the necessary corporate documents with public authorities;
• Securing residence permits for partners and employees of foreign companies establishing a presence in Brazil, and legal advisory for obtaining work visas;
• Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and execution of international contracts enforceable within Brazil.


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The firm seeks to train promising young people, with a good academic background and graduates from the best universities in Brazil, to join its permanent staff of lawyers. opportunities